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At Compass Press we seek to be helpful in aiding people to know and serve Christ. We desire to see people come to the place of biblical repentance and faith. We want Christians to understand what God calls them to believe and to know why they believe it. We pray that our materials assist Christians by preparing them to stand strong against the chaotic winds of culture and false doctrine, which buffet the Christian worldview every hour of every day. Compass Press works to provide quality resources that are understandable to the average Christian and persuasive in helping move them closer to full maturity and fruitfulness, both in the Church and marketplace. It is our hope that Compass Press books aid church leaders in thinking strategically about leadership in the church and in society. Our Compass Press Kids division provides parents with helpful materials for teaching their children the fundamentals of Christian truth in a manner that prepares them to think biblically and provides the groundwork for God’s gift of regeneration.